Thursday, December 20, 2012


I'm a cleaner.  Now, this doesn't mean that you can come to my house and not find dirt, clutter or dust!!!  I just like things clean and enjoy making them so, especially on Thursdays.  Thursdays are bathrooms, dusting, vacuum bedrooms and mopping day.  When do I vacuum the rest of the house you might ask...well, usually 5 times a week.  Some people would call that O.C.D. but I don't believe in labeling.  ;-)   Anyway.  For my birthday, drum roll please, I got a steam cleaner!  I took my birthday money and ordered something I've wanted for a looooong time.  Can I just say that I am over the moon for my new steam cleaner?  I picked one that detaches from the mop pole and has all kinds of attachments so you can travel around cleaning like a wild woman!  And, I have.  I had the best time cleaning everything I could get to.  (you have to try out all the attachments to make sure they work, right?)  I have steam cleaned baseboards, walls, doors, doorknobs, ceiling fans, countertops, nooks, crannies and even the agitator in the washing machine.  Am I the only person out there that cleans machines that themselves have the purpose of cleaning?  I mean, sometimes you need to vacuum out your vacuum.  I'm starting to sound O.C.D. so I better move on.

Despite how shiny and sterilized my doorknobs are, they will become covered with dirt and grime again and again no matter how much I wear out the steam cleaner.   Cleaning, de-cluttering, and freshening are not one-time deals, at least not if you want to maintain a clean and de-cluttered environment.  Cue segue.  Keeping your heart and mind clean and de-cluttered is not a one-time deal.  It's continual.  It's constant.  If you really want to ask God to search your heart and show you anything that doesn't look like Him, be ready for some deep cleaning.  God, if we are willing, will use all the "attachments" He has to get into our nooks and crannies.  He has the power to cleanse and not just sterilize but to sanctify.  Jesus will do in your heart only what you ask of Him.  May we desire regular maintenance of our hearts as well as some deep cleaning, even if it creates some steam! 

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