Tuesday, September 8, 2015

If we can fit 6 people and a dog into 550 square feet, why not add another?

Yes, that's right.  The title isn't a gimmick to say "made you look".  We really are going to be adding to our family in the spring.

We are expecting a baby!  Yay!!  Woohoo!!  April 14th!!

Let me first address some common questions, comments, and jaw dropping thoughts some of you might be having...

Yes, we know we already have 4 kids
Yes, we DO know how this happens (quite frankly, that's a bold question to ask and you might get an earful if you ask me on the wrong day.  Ha!)
Yes, we are thrilled!!
Yes, we definitely know that we are running out of room in 550 square feet
No, we aren't trying to form our own sports team (we aren't even sports-y people)
No, we aren't trying to have a bunch of farm hands
No, I'm not addicted to new baby smell (although nestle time with a newborn is heavenly)

We know that children come from the Lord.  He creates them.  He knits them together.  We have been overjoyed 4 times already now with the miracles He has given us to care for.  We have been heartbroken, yet comforted, when His knitting and timing aren't understood.  We have faced both "surprise" babies and those desired beforehand.  I do not pretend to know the ways of He that is higher than I.

I do not believe that it is the purpose of all Christian families to constantly have children.  I think we must be very cautious to draw a black and white conclusion from Scripture that simply isn't there.  The Bible says that we are to be fruitful and multiply (this is addressing married couples yet, we know that the Lord creates many lives outside of those perfect, intended boundaries He created).  The Bible says in Psalm 127:3 that children are a heritage from the Lord.  It says in Psalm 127:5 that blessed is the man whose quiver is full.  The Bible also addresses the cries of barren wombs...there isn't a blanket promise in Scripture that, once married, you shall have 1 boy and 1 girl and then your life is Disneyworld perfect.  Neither is there a promise in Scripture that if you have 15 children you have somehow attained holiness.

Scripture does not say that there should be a college fund available for each child you have or you're being irresponsible.  It also does not say that we should be lazy and not provide for our families (I Timothy 5:8).  Our differences of opinions come when we do not know what that provision should look like.  Well, here's the thing...what matters is our hearts.  Our hearts are always what matters.  My heart is certainly, as the song Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing says, ever wandering and I'm thankful for the patience and persistence of my Jesus.  God wants our hearts to be after Him...not perfect, not worthy...just after Him.  He promises to be found when He is sought.  So, I seek...

I seek Him when I'm confused, frustrated, discouraged, feeling indifferent, angry, devastated, and everything in between.  At least, I hope I do.  I often forget to seek Him first but He always gently reminds me that He wants me to seek Him.  I seek Him for wisdom, encouragement, and direction.  I certainly seek Him as a parent.  This parenting thing is crazy hard  (my 4 year old just thanked me for taking care of her...gotta love the Lord's reminders through His children). I don't have a clue what I'm doing most days and I have moments where I grow weary doing good, thinking my efforts don't make a difference.  But then the Lord reminds me that I am just to be an obedient vessel.  How my children wrestle out their faith is between themselves and God.  I am the initial trainer, teacher and one who points them towards Him.  I am the example, which is scary considering how often I'm the example of what not to do!

I am honored, scared, and humbled that the Lord has chosen Bruce and I to be examples to even another child.  I question whether He really knows what He is doing when He keeps trusting me but, you know what?  He doesn't put His trust in me ever.  He has a master plan that will come to fruition whether I'm obedient or not.  He trusts in His own strength and ability to bring beauty from ashes whether those ashes come from me failing as a mother or from the pain and destruction all throughout this creation that groans for its Creator to return and make it whole.

So, as we prepare to welcome another life into this crazy world, rejoice with us!  At the end of the day we are talking about a life that God has created and given purpose to.  Whether you have children in your home to love and train or you have spiritual children of all ages learning from you, remember to be after the kingdom of God and to seek Him and His righteousness first. And pray for my little one, even in the womb He is Lord.   Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.  Psalm 51:6

Celebrate with us!  It is the year of Jubilee!!