Monday, February 10, 2014

Preparation to live in 550 sq ft cabin continues!

My family of 6 people and 1 dog will soon be moving to our homestead location and while we wait for our current house to sell and then work on building a new one, we'll be living in a 550 sq ft "cabin", also known as a tractor-trailer-turned-apartment.   You can catch up on the beginning of this story here.

Things are coming together and I am super excited about this adventure for our family.  (even though I'm sure there will be some challenges to living in such a space and I'll most likely have some opportunities to lose my mind)

Check out the video update!  Ch, ch, changes!!  :)

Here's pictures!

Entrance to living room

Standing in kitchen area looking into living room

Standing in living room looking into kitchen (the stove is not in place)

Standing in hallway looking through kitchen and into living room

kitchen and living room

I'll have to do some before/after pictures soon because that's when I'm really wowed!   I love to see the progress.  And I LOVE the man making it happen!

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